[Event] Reporting Racism: Know Your Rights (July 22)
Most racist attacks go unreported, many people don’t know what they can do after they’ve been attacked. That means racist incidents are not acknowledged or addressed in our society and those subjected to the abuse do not know who they can turn to for help. We have brought together a panel of key speakers to discuss how to report racism, why you need to report it and which organisations can provide support. Details: Date: Wednesday 22 July 2020 Time: 12 – 1:30pm (AEST) RSVP: Click to register now.
Speakers include:
Jason Yat-sen Li - President Chinese Australian Forum (moderator)
Joseph La Posta AM - CEO Multicultural NSW
Chin Tan - Race Discrimination Commissioner, Australian Human Rights Commission
Elizabeth Wing - Executive Manager, Anti-Discrimination Board of NSW
Michael McLean - Detective Superintendent, NSW Police Force, Commander Anti-Terrorism & Intelligence Group, Counter Terrorism & Special Tactics Command
Bridget Barker – Solicitor, Legal Aid NSW, Project lead for the Stop Public Threats campaign
Dr Karol Petrovska - Principal Policy Officer, Office of Community Safety and Cohesion, Department of Communities and Justice