About the Chinese Australian Forum
The Chinese Australian Forum (CAF) is a non-partisan body established in 1985 to provide the Chinese community with a voice in the Australian political process. It began with the aim of raising the political awareness of Chinese Australians, but this objective quickly evolved and expanded to include involvement in contemporary social and political issues affecting the democratic process in Australia.
CAF regards diligent participation as an essential part of the integration of Chinese Australians with mainstream Australian society. By providing a forum for education and debate, and through responding to topical issues, CAF provides the voice for Chinese Australians to air their views and be heard. It is the only Chinese Australian organisation in NSW whose main activity is to engage members and supporters in the political process of this country.
In a climate of changing social and political attitudes, the objective of full and proper representation and advocacy is crucial in ensuring individual rights, civil liberty, and dignity are protected without compromise. In this context, CAF addresses sensitive and potentially divisive issues including race relations, immigration, citizenship, discrimination, multiculturalism and social justice.
CAF embraces the unique qualities of a culturally diverse society that Australia today is. CAF respects the ideals of multiculturalism, a policy supported in principle by the two major political parties in Australia, albeit at varying degrees of enthusiasm under different leaderships. CAF believes it is through these ideals that greater inter-racial understanding and harmony will be achieved.
In pursuing these objectives, it is CAF’s aim that the organization will play a positive role in the development and advancement of Australia.
CAF aims to build a harmonious and socially cohesive Australian society through:
Consultation with government departments and political parties
Liaison with community groups and organisations
Responding to public issues
Conducting meetings and forums to address causes and issues of importance
Conducting a media watch to monitor the coverage & presentation of important issues