Civics Education
The Chinese Australian Forum, supported by the National Foundation for Australia-China Relations, is developing a bilingual civics education course for the Chinese Australian community to improve the community’s understanding of and engagement in Australia’s democracy.
As Australian citizens, Chinese Australians are required to vote but sometimes have a limited understanding of the system in which they are voting. This not only leaves them vulnerable to misinformation but is also a barrier to their more active participation in Australian politics. We want to encourage Chinese Australians to engage fully in our democratic processes, and through this, ensure Chinese Australian voices are heard in our political debate, Chinese Australian views are represented in policy and Chinese Australian representatives are present in our parliaments and leadership.
作为澳洲公民,澳洲华人也需要进行投票,但有些时候,他们对自己所要进行的投票知之甚少。这不仅使他们易受错误信息的影响,而且这也成为他们对于澳洲政治积极参与的障碍。 我们希望鼓励澳洲华人充分参与我们的民主进程,并以此来确保澳洲华人的声音可以在我们的政治辩论中被听到,澳洲华人的观点可以在政策中得到体现,澳洲华人代表可以出现在我们的议会和领导层中。
The course will be developed by academic authors and reviewed by an expert academic review panel. It will deal with questions such as:
该课程将由学术作者开发,并由学术专家小组审查。 课程将涉及以下几个问题:
Program Delivery
Our civics education program will be delivered digitally, through videos and printed materials as well as through a series of community workshops. Starting in NSW, we hope to extend the concept nationally, as well as to other migrant groups. Express your interest below to receive program updates and
latest event dates.
我们的公民教育项目将通过视频和印刷材料以及配合一系列的社区研讨会的形式进行。 从新南威尔士州开始,我们希望将这一概念扩展到全国以及其他移民群体。请在下方表达您的兴趣,以便接收项目的最新动态以及最新活动日期。