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Welcome to the CAF Civics Education Course

The CAF Civics Education Course consists of a series of 5 online videos plus additional resources to help you improve your understanding and enable your participation in the Australian democratic process.

中澳論壇公民教育課程由一系列 5 個在線視頻和其他資源組成,可幫助您提高理解力並參與澳大利亞的民主進程。

Course 1 - Introduction to Australian Democracy
課程 1 - 澳大利亞民主概論

Course 2 - Australia's System of Government
課程 2 - 澳大利亚的政治体系

Course 3 - Australian Citizenship
課程 3 - 澳大利亚公民的权益和责任

Course 4 - Civic Participation in Politics, Government and Community
課程 4 - 公民参与政治、政府和社区

Course 5 - Resources Available to Assist Civic Participation
課程 5 - 可用于协助公民参与的资源

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